Traffic Exchange Blog

Welcome to the Traffic Exchange Blog. Traffic Exchanges have the ability to send loads of traffic to your site and if used correctly, can increase your business by a great deal. Here is where you'll find reports of great traffic exchanges and not so great exchanges.

Location: Reno, Nevada, United States

I've been involved in different businesses for 20 years. If I knew then (as they say) I'd have retired by the time I was 20. Now my mission is to allow other people to learn from my mistakes.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Traffic Pro X

Here's another traffic exchange that has been giving me great results.

Traffic Pro X

10 Second Timer
Fast Traffic Delivery
Self Branding Script
Industry High Commissions
Monthly Contests
A Great Admin

And much more. You really should join.


Monday, June 25, 2007

I just ran across this article and it's good advice. I've been following this for months and I've seen how well it works.


Setting Up Your Budget To Maximize Your Time In The Traffic Exchanges!

Something to remember, especially when you work online, is that you need a budget. You have to set a monthly budget and keep it in place so that you get the best returns on your investment. Case in point, deciding which traffic exchanges to upgrade in, how much to spend on credit purchases and different odds and ends to get you the best exposure each and every month.

Here's what I did when I was getting started. First, I didn't have a penny to my name. So I invested my time rather than money. This is a common story online, but what happened next is what really helped me build my businesses. After I started to make a few bucks here and there, I set up a 75$ a month budget. I invested in 3 traffic exchanges at roughly $10 per month. I then got my ad tracking service and autoresponder services which ran be roughly $25 a month for the two. This gave me an extra $20 per month to use on credit purchases and various odds and ends that seemed to help my business grow.

Keeping this budget for about 6 months, my income started to grow and before long I had an extra 50$ to invest in credits, then $100 and then $250 and so on. The main two points I want to stress is to keep your budget going every month for a while. Do not over spend and do your best to maintain your advertising. And finally, once you start earning more money, trade your surfing time into credit purchases. This helped me develop new ideas and concentrate on other areas of my business.

I still spend a lot of time surfing the traffic exchanges, but I can spend between $50-$100 a day in extra credits now, all because I kept with my plan and spent my money wisely. I hope this helps you develop your monthly budget as well. Good luck with your endeavors!!!

This article was taken from Jon Olson's Hit Exchange Blog. Be sure to check out Jon's blog for daily rants, raves and opinions about the wonderful world of traffic exchanges!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


So I'm surfing Traffic Swarm this morning and the clicks are usually worth about 1-5 credits with a 25 credit link thrown in from time to time when I had to stop and look twice, I just found a 500 credit link.

Happy surfing,

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 - Get Inside to Supercharge Your Business Success

I've been using this site for a few months and upgraded last month. I have to say this site ranks in the top 3 of my list. If you join and upgrade, they put 5 members below you each month and you can even buy members. If you've been surfing for very long, you know that you need a downline to really generate traffic. You can also e-mail your downline every 7 days and my first e-mail had over a 40% click through rate (so far). That's a better rate than I received from paid leads.

Take a look and let me know what you think.


Monday, August 14, 2006 - Webpromotion - Get over 4000 Hits per Day to your Site - for free!!! Sign Up now and get started this Minute....web promotion advice,webtraffic,autosurf,freehits,freepromotion,website visitors,increase traffic,webmaster resource

Here's another autosurf site to replace Traffixchange. It delivers 216 hits an hour and seems to be as easy to use as Traffixchange. Give it a try and let me know how it works for you.

It does have a draw back, there's some frame breakers on the site and you'll have to reopen it from time to time.

Happy surfing,

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Traffix Exchange gone?

I keep checking on the site and it's been down for awhile. I guess the owners thought it wasn't worth keeping. Maybe it'll be back, but in the meantime, try FreeAutoSurf it's not as fast as TraffixExchange but it gives more time to read the pages.

Happy Surfing,

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Traffix Exchange Auto Surf

Traffix Exchange
Here's a site that will send 180 hits an hour to your site. It has a 15 second timer and automatically advances to the next site. All you need to do is set back and watch the sites go by and when you see something interesting, hit the pause button and read the site. If you have a site that needs lots of traffic, then this will do it.

Of course, not everyone will watch the sites go by and for this reason, then you want to include a site with the following code included.

Free Traffic Bar
Not only does this have a great tool bar that works with Internet Explorer and Firefox, but it has code to install on a web page or blog. Don't forget that the entire time you're using traffic exchanges, you're building credits Free Traffic Bar credits.


This has a banner Exchange located under tools.

Adgizmo This site has code and a tool that will put your Adgizmo on a link if you don't have access to the code.

Happy Surfing,

StartXchange Traffic Exchange