Traffic Exchange Blog

Welcome to the Traffic Exchange Blog. Traffic Exchanges have the ability to send loads of traffic to your site and if used correctly, can increase your business by a great deal. Here is where you'll find reports of great traffic exchanges and not so great exchanges.

Location: Reno, Nevada, United States

I've been involved in different businesses for 20 years. If I knew then (as they say) I'd have retired by the time I was 20. Now my mission is to allow other people to learn from my mistakes.

Monday, August 14, 2006 - Webpromotion - Get over 4000 Hits per Day to your Site - for free!!! Sign Up now and get started this Minute....web promotion advice,webtraffic,autosurf,freehits,freepromotion,website visitors,increase traffic,webmaster resource

Here's another autosurf site to replace Traffixchange. It delivers 216 hits an hour and seems to be as easy to use as Traffixchange. Give it a try and let me know how it works for you.

It does have a draw back, there's some frame breakers on the site and you'll have to reopen it from time to time.

Happy surfing,

StartXchange Traffic Exchange